This week's meditation follows on quite nicely for me from last week's (do catch it here if you missed it).  Last week I spoke about God being my place of refuge throughout me dealing with some difficult news - this week I wanted to look at positively changing my response to this and chose this verse to meditate on:

"Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you, because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with spendour" Isaiah 55:5

Now this verse is written specifically to the Israelites, who we called to be God's chosen people.  They were supposed to be a lamp shining out to others so they could see how amazing their God was (this wasn't always the case!). But sometimes God had to intervene to make sure that this plan worked.  

I like to think I am naturally community minded and friendly, but I know sometimes I do opt for the easy route out.  The last year or so I have been sitting on my laurels, using excuses of being pregnant and with baby to not reach out to my community.  So God had to intervene and do it for me.  BAM - HS2 going right through your estate!!  It may seem crazy, but this bad news really has brought opportunities running to me from neighbours I hadn't even spoken to before that day.  I am not suggesting that God made this awful thing happen, but that he used the opportunity of it happening to push me into doing what I should have been in the first place!

This verse has also giving me comfort and encouragement this week as I have stepped out to meet up with new neighbours.  I have found myself no longer needing refuge from it all but actively seeking out "nations I know not" in order to make something good come out of this awful situation and share the peace that I have in it all because of my relationship with Jesus.

I know this is not a very profound meditation tonight - my brain has been fried most of this week - but it has been helpful for me nonetheless.  

Going in a different direction next week and chosen this verse, so please do join me in meditating on it:

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

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